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Why I Became a One Plane Golfer

Four years ago, after playing golf my entire life with the traditional two-plane swing, I decided to learn the One Plane Swing. This decision came after watching my golf game deteriorate from playing at scratch for 25 years to ballooning to a double-digit index. Throw in a heart attack with quadruple bypass open heart surgery in 2018 and a total knee replacement two years later, and my physical limitations also figured heavily in my decision. So, the question became, Can I change my swing, and if so, how?

I've been a student of the game for over 50 years, and as an old researcher, I was intrigued by the thought of getting my golf game back. I studied some of the One Plane Swing principles many years ago but reverted to my traditional swing because I couldn't fully commit to the change.. But now, with such lousy play, it was time to do something different!

I decided to give the One Plane Swing another look. I studied all I could find on the OPS and began implementing it into my golf game. I was utterly amazed at the transformation and how quickly it came. Here are my initial reasons for taking this journey and what I discovered.

  1. I wanted to SIMPLIFY everything, from my thoughts to my mechanics.

  2. I wanted a REPEATABLE swing!

  3. I wanted to swing aggressively and improve my club face CONTROL.

  4. I wanted to get my DISTANCE and POWER back into my golf game.

Change is hard! This is especially true when talking about one's golf swing. There are many reasons why it's so difficult to change…Fear, unclear of the benefits, the status quo is comfortable, change can be too broad and vague, will it change too many things at once, it's too much work, change will take too long, and on and on...

Some golfers can have trouble changing their swing because of medical issues and physical limitations, and I consider myself in that group. It is crucial to find someone who understands your limitations and can coach you through them. I found Kirk Junge and his Setup4Impact instruction, and he helped me learn the one plane swing.

I know all about changing a golf swing. I've been there several times during my golfing life. I couldn't make any significant swing changes until I was completely committed. I had to reach the point where getting out of my current golf comfort zone rut was more important than settling for the frustration of hitting the ball poorly. I had to be totally committed to changing what I was doing in my swing…The old saying, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results!"....Well, that was me, and I had to reach the point of STOPPING THE INSANITY!

I was at the end of my golfing rope when I decided to trust the One Plane Swing. After my quadruple heart bypass, my handicap was now in double digits. I had been a pretty good player before my heart attack, but after returning home from a "Bucket List" trip to play Pebble Beach, I quit the game. I had played awfully for the three rounds at Pebble and decided that this was my last golf trip...After playing well for most of my life, golf was no longer fun, and to hack it around was just too painful.

So, I changed everything! I committed to the One Plane Swing, hoping to give my game one last chance. I started with Graves Golf but quickly switched to Kirk Jung's Setup4Impact teaching. I liked his focus on impact, and his system allowed you to customize the OPS to your swing. After a few weeks of implementing his simple techniques, I was hitting the ball great. In 3 months, my handicap was back to scratch...But the best part...I was now back to enjoying the game I loved!

Here are some ideas for changing your golf swing if you need help with your game. If your current ball striking is not where you want it to be, then focusing on impact can be a key to your recovery. Impact is everything in hitting a golf ball; if you're suffering with thin, fat, and off-line hits, it's time to find a new method! Here are some ideas on how to change your golf swing....

  • Don't go it alone. Get help if necessary. Today's online coaching is affordable and easy.

  • Commit totally to doing whatever it takes to improve.

  • Swing tips are not swing changes. Quit listening to your buddies and find a good coach.

  • Often, if it feels good initially, you're not doing it right.

  • Start with short clubs and mini swings, then progress to full swings.

Most people think they have to go backward first to improve. They are afraid that change will cause their game to get worse, so they stay in their rut of inconsistent golf. But would they be willing to change if they knew how to swing a club more efficiently, with more consistency and satisfaction? Let's also add that improvement with many players who switch to the One Plane Swing happens quickly, especially if the changes are in the correct order toward simplicity! The advantage of the OPS is it's beautifully SIMPLE!

In the Picture above the clubshaft angle at setup matches the clubshaft angle at impact in the One Plane Swing

So, Yes, You Can Change to the OPS...It could be the best golf decision you've ever made!

For me, the One Plane Swing helped me in a short amount of time. I began to see better ball striking return to my game! I practiced on the range, played as often as I could, and rebuilt my ability to score. Within six months, I had made considerable progress toward completing my goals. The OPS simplified my thoughts and mechanics. My swing was more repeatable with better club face control. I was now swinging with power, and my distance had returned. By the end of that first year, I had made two hole-in-ones, shot my age or better several times, and won our Senior Club Championship. As a senior golfer, I'm hitting the ball better than ever, shooting excellent scores, and having fun with the game I love. Life is good!


Dr. Chris Nix

**For more information on the One Plane Swing the One Plane Golfer eBook is available for sale on the home page of this site. It's a beautifully illustrated description of the One Plane Swing and how to apply it to your game.


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