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Controlling the Clubface and the One Plane Swing

Controlling the clubface...what does it mean, and why is it important? How the clubface is positioned at impact dictates the start direction of 80-90% of all golf shots. Only 10-20% of golf shots are influenced by the path of the swing!

The key point is that getting the clubface pointing towards the target through the impact zone is far more important than trying to perfect the path of your swing. This truth is the reason behind most of our wildly inaccurate shots. How square the clubface is controlled at impact determines, more than any other factor, where our shots end up!

So, if getting our clubface square at impact is essential to quality golf shots, how do we accomplish this? For me, and many of us in our group, the answer is the ONE PLANE SWING! Square impact begins at setup, where the hands are raised in an uncocked position so the clubshaft angle is on a straight line through the trail elbow in a Down-the-Line view.

Here is my DTL view on my iron shot using the One Plane Swing...

Once the setup is correct, then swinging back on-plane and down to impact, where the clubshaft angle now matches the setup angle, allows me the best opportunity to strike the ball square. Here I am with my driver swing illustrating swinging on One Plane...

Kirk Junge, the great One Plane Swing instructor, talks about how..."we need to get impact right, then good golf shots tend to happen". So, let’s all work on getting impact right...

1. The grip of the club MUST lead the clubhead at impact.

2. Start with short swings first. Make sure there is NO rotation of the clubhead through impact and the hands lead!

3. The body must rotate at and through impact.

Here's Kirk Junge at setup and impact...

Controlling the clubface at impact is almost impossible to do if you overthink it...this important part of the golf swing happens so fast that thinking about it will almost certainly ruin your ability to make it possible...In fact the illustration below gives us the facts of how long the ball is actually on the clubface at impact...0.4 seconds! Yes, that's less than 1/2 of a second! Not only that, but the clubface is only connected to the ball for less that one inch!

For myself and many One Plane golfers, the only way to control the clubface is to simpify the big movements in the swing, which is exactly what the One Plane Swing accomplishes. If setup is correct, then swinging on One Plane will provide the best chance of quality, square ball striking, where the ball goes towards our target!

I really like what Junge has to say about controlling impact..."We need to stop worrying about the head on our shoulders and start worrying about the head that’s on the end of our club!”

What he is saying, is that we spend way too much time trying to perfect our backswing, top and downswing positions and not enough time on what really matters....the impact of the clubhead on the ball. I's really a simple process...get impact right, and everything else falls into place!

Dr. Chris Nix

**For more information on the One Plane Swing the One Plane Golfer eBook is available on the for sale on the home page of this site. It's a beautifully illustrated description of the One Plane Swing and how to apply it to your game.


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