Here are the One Plane Setup and Impact basics...

The club shaft is on a straight line to the lead shoulder in the face-on view, so that the hands are ahead of the ball.
The club shaft is also on a straight line through the right trail elbow in the down-the-line view.
The wrists are uncocked in ulnar deviation.
The right elbow is tucked to the right hip and the right knee is flexed and stable.
There is side tilt is 15° away from the target.
The lead foot is flared to the target.
The chest is over the ball.
The head is behind the ball.
The weight is 55-60% on the lead left hip/knee/foot.

The club shaft is on a straight line to the lead shoulder in the face-on view, so that the hands are ahead of the ball.
The club shaft is also on a straight line through the right trail elbow in the down-the-line view.
The hands are leading the club head.
The right elbow is tucked to the right hip.
There is side tilt 25° away from the target.
The right heel is coming off the ground.
The chest is over the ball.
The head is behind the ball.
The weight is fully on the left lead hip/knee/foot.
Setup and Impact in the One Plane Swing are very similar. The definition used by the One Plane Golfer in order to swing on one plane, the club shaft angle at setup must match the club shaft angle at impact. That's it. It's very simple in concept and easy to adapt to anyone's game.

**For more information on the One Plane Swing the One Plane Golfer eBook is available for sale on the homepage of this site. It's a beautifully illustrated description of the One Plane Swing and how to apply it to your game.
